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Care tips for your garden.

What makes RICHTER RASEN unique? Our experience. Benefit from our unique know-how and get useful care tips for your everyday garden life. A healthy and well cared for turf is essential for keeping your plants healthy and growing.

Prior to the delivery

Before laying the turf, prepare the soil accordingly:
Remove any old turf from your soil, for example with a lawnmaker, and get rid of small branches and stones. Loosen the soil with a rotary hoe afterwards and add, if necessary, 0-4mm of quartz sand. Use a roller to even out the soil.

The right care depends on the soil type:
Even the best turf can’t properly develop it’s root system if the soil hasn’t been prepared properly or simply isn’t suited for planting turf at all. That means that it’s important to also pay attention to provide the right nutrients for your ground. Waterlogging should also be prevented to keep your turf healthy and beautiful. Therefore you should mix quartz sand (3-5cm) into your uppermost layer if you work with conventional field-soil.

Since we already produce on natural quartz sand, which our turf grass is also going to contain, you only need a smaller amount of sand with RICHTER RASEN turf.

Our tip: Use a suitable base fertilizer for your ground to guarantee the ideal growth of your turf’s root systems. You can also get the right fertilizer from us.

Turf Care

Start with your care and fertilizing in March/April. Regularly mow your turf (30-45mm) to ensure a dense growth of your turf grass.

The ideal preperation of your turf starts with the removal of lawn thatch and cleaning it of dead plants by scarifying. This way your turf can grow properly again after the cold winter months. Don’t forget to regularly water your turf as well!


Regular mowing with sharp blades is one of the most essential parts of lawn care. It is, aside from proper fertilization and irrigation, a main part of keeping your grass healthy and beautiful. The turf should be mowed in the months of April to October, depending on the weather conditions.

Cutting Height: The ideal cutting height is about 30-45mm, don’t make it any shorter. If the cutting height is too short, the turf can, in the worst case possible, even die because of it. Another drawback of cutting it too short is the lowered resistance and lesser resilience of the grass.

Our tip: Never mow more than 1/3 of the entire turf length at once. During the main-growth-months the turf should be mowed at least once per week, or ideally, even twice per week. In hot summer months it’s sufficient to mow your turf every other week since the temperature prevents it from growing all too fast.


Of course our turf will be delivered without any unwanted weed or grass. To keep it that way we have just the right fertilizer to send you alongside your turf delivery! Order it together with your turf grass.

Fertilizing: When?
You should at least fertilize your turf twice – or even better – thrice per year. The ideal time for your first fertilization is between March and April (when there’s no ground frost present anymore). We recommend fertilizer with a high amount of nitrogen (N). For the second fertilization in either June or July we’d recommed a high amount of potassium (K).

Our tip: To prepare your turf for the cold winter months you could also fertilize it for a third time around October, with a fertilizer rich of potassium.


Water is just as important to your turf as it is for every other living thing. Without water your turf dries out and loses it’s radiant lush green.

Basically the following applies:
Preferrably water it a bit more once (10-20mm/m²) and let it dry a bit afterwards instead of keeping it watered all the time. You should ideally water it in the morning. In the hottest sommer months the lawn should be watered every other day (of course, as always, it depends on the weather as well). Also keep in mind that different kinds of soil need different amounts of irrigation.

Lawn Ventilation

Ventilating your lawn can be done with a special tool (lawn thatcher) that loosens your soil a bit. This way more light, water and nutrients can reach the roots once again. Don’t confuse ventilating your lawn with scarifying it, both methods are important for garden care and shouldn’t be replaced by one another.


Irregular mowing, leftover clippings and dead plants can produce lawn thatch. Lawn thatch lowers the air, water and nutrient supply and make your turf more vulnerable to diseases. Be sure to make the regular removal of thatch a part of your lawn care.

While scarifying, moss and lawn thatch will be removed and the roots can once more get the light, water and nutrients they need – thus growing more dense and aesthetically pleasing. It’s important to prevent repeated formations of moss and thatch. We recommend you to mow your lawn before you scarify it. Start scarifying when your soil is dry to avoid intense strainage of your lawn. After scarifying you should mow (with a mowing-bucket) once again.

Our tip: Apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer to your lawn after scarifying it. You can also reseed it to fill bare spots with new grass.

Leaves and Foliage - Should I get rid of it?

Natural foliage in the fall provides the underlying soil with important nutrients as well as protection from ground frost. Regardless you should get rid of all leaves on your lawn anyway to prevent your turf grass from rotting. You can use the gathered leaves/foliage and, for example, scatter it under your bushes to give them important nutrients.